The Association operates an open access Allocations System, which provides the opportunity for anyone, aged 16 years or over to apply and be placed on the waiting list and have their application assessed.
If you are homeless or threatened with homelessness you need to contact Get a Health or Social Care Service – Glasgow City Council or telephone 0141 287 0555 (select option 3) for advice and information.
We know searching for a new home can be a stressful time. We try and make it quick and easy for you to apply for a home of your own as you can apply directly to the Association online or if you want a paper application form we can arrange to get one sent to you. Our allocations staff can provide comprehensive information and advice, so please contact us if you want to discuss your housing situation. You can contact us by phone tel 0141 763 0511 or by email .
In the meantime if you wish to find out more, you can find information about how we allocate our homes and our frequently asked questions in relation to allocation by clicking here.
How to Apply: You can apply for a home with us by completing our online application form: Online Application Form
If you would prefer to apply using a paper form please give us a call and we will arrange for a form to be sent to you in the post. Please note that due to the temporary office closure all paper forms must be returned by post.
If you have already applied for a home with us and would like to discuss your application or make a change to it, please call us on 0141 763 0511.
The Association are reintroducing the Allocations surgery to assist new applicants applying for housing and for current applicants who may have to report a change in their housing circumstances which may affect their housing need/priority.
The surgery will commence on Tuesday 16th January 2024 at 10am and will be held every Tuesday between the hours of 10am-12noon and 2pm-4pm.
Please note, for general enquiries, you can contact the allocations team on 01417630511 (select option 1).
We will process your personal data in accordance with our privacy policy and fair processing notice.